Evicting a Tenant in Ontario

Landlord Evicting Tenant Ontario Etobicoke

Evicting a tenant in Ontario be time consuming and costly. Below are some common reasons to evict a tenant:

  • The tenant owes rent

  • The tenant frequently pays rent late

  • The tenant or his or her guest damaged the tenant's space

  • You or a member of your family want to move into the tenant's space

  • You sold the property and the buyer or his or her family wants to move into the tenant's space

Depending on the nature of the tenancy and eviction, the time for notice can vary. In some situations, it can be anywhere from 10 days to 120 days.

If the tenant does not move out after you provided the appropriate notice, the matter can be escalated to a hearing at Ontario’s Landlord and Tenant Board.

It is up to the landlord to prove to the Board that there is a legal reason to evict.  The tenant has right to question or challenge witnesses or evidence the landlord presents at the hearing.

Afterwards, the tenant has the right to appeal the eviction order. However, if the eviction is not stopped by the Board it will be enforced by the sheriff.

For more complete information about evicting a tenant in Ontario and the appropriate forms please visit the Landlord Tenant Board's website at http://www.sjto.gov.on.ca/ltb.


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